We schedule our record appointments at the offices in Spirit Lake and Windom. Those offices are equipped with our digital radiography machines, which use extremely low levels of radiation to take our x-rays but still produce extremely high quality images. The following diagnostic records are obtained at this appointment:

  • A clinical examination of the your mouth
  • A review of your medical and dental history
  • A panorex x-ray to assess boney support, tooth development, check for extra or missing teeth or unseen pathology
  • A lateral x-ray of your head to assess the relationship of the jaws and the teeth within each jaw
  • Intra-oral photographs of your teeth
  • Facial photographs to assess profile and facial symmetry

A pre-treatment consultation will then be scheduled to review the records with you and to discuss the options for treatment.

We schedule our pre-treatment consultations at our offices in Windom and Spirit Lake. The consultations are scheduled with the patient and/or parents. At the consultation appointments, the diagnostic records will be presented with a diagnosis of the actual problem in a manner that you can understand. You will be told why a correction is advised and how it will be achieved. You will also be informed of any other reasonable alternative methods for resolving your particular problem.

As no form of medical treatment is without the potential for some risks, limitations or compromises you will also be made aware of those that pertain to your specific situation. Next you will be told what result you can expect to achieve; and finally, what will occur if no treatment is undertaken.

At that time, the fee for the services to be rendered will be discussed in full, and suitable financial arrangements will be made. Make sure that you have had the chance to ask and have answered all questions regarding your treatment, as well as how long it will take and the financial responsibilities you are assuming. It is now time to begin treatment.